
Overview of Lobbying Prince George’s County Code of Ethics § 2-291(a)(11) defines “person” to include an individual or business entity.

Lobbyists must register within five (5) days from the start of any lobbying activity in each calendar year. The deadline to submit annual reports for all lobbying activity is January 31st of each calendar year. Lobbyists are required to register and report through OEA's Web Portal here.


Business Entity

The term “business entity”, pursuant to Prince George’s County Code of Ethics§2-291(a)(2), means any corporation, general or limited partnership, sole proprietorship (including a private consultant operation), joint venture, unincorporated association or firm, institution, trust, foundation, or other organization, whether or not operated for profit. Business entity does not include a governmental entity.



The term “official”, pursuant to Prince George’s County Code of Ethics §2-291(a)(10), means an elected official, an employee of the County, or a person appointed to or employed by the County or any County agency, board, commission, or similar entity whether or not paid in whole or in part with County funds and whether or not compensated.



The term “lobbyist”, pursuant to Prince George’s County Code of Ethics §2-291(a)(11) means a person required to register and report expenses related to lobbying under Section 2-295 of the Code of Ethics.



Prince George’s County Code of Ethics § 2-291(a)(9) defines “lobbying” to mean communicating in the presence of a County official or employee with the intent to influence any official action of that official or employee, or engaging in activities having the express purpose of soliciting others to communicate with a County official or employee with the intent to influence that official or employee.

The term “lobbying”, pursuant to Prince George’s County Code of Ethics § 2-295(l), does not include:

  • Professional services in drafting bills or in advising and rendering opinions to clients as to the construction and effect of proposed or pending Council actions when these services do not otherwise constitute lobbying activities
  • Appearances before the Council upon its specific invitation or request but only if the person engages in no further or other activities in connection with the passage or defeat of Council actions
  • Appearances as part of the official duties of a duly elected or appointed official or employee of the State or a political subdivision of the State, or of the United States, and not in behalf of any other entity
  • Actions of a publisher or working member of the press, radio, or television in the ordinary course of the business of disseminating news or making editorial comment to the general public who does not, however, engage in further or other lobbying that would directly and specifically benefit the economic, business, or professional interests of himself or his employer
  • Appearances by an individual before the Council at the specific invitation or request of a registered lobbyist, provided no other lobbying act is undertaken, and provided the witness identifies himself to the Council as testifying at the request of the lobbyist
  • The representation of a bona fide religious organization solely for the purpose of protecting the right of its own members to practice the doctrine of the organization
  • Appearances as part of the official duties of an officer, director, member, or employee of an association engaged exclusively in lobbying for counties or municipalities and not on behalf of any other entity
  • Appearances before a County agency upon the specific invitation or request of the agency if the person or entity engages in no further or other activities in connection with the passage or defeat of any agency executive action
  • Appearances by an individual before a County agency at the specific invitation or request of a registered lobbyist if the person or entity performs no other lobbying act and notifies the agency that the person or entity is testifying at the request of the lobbyist