Corporate Funded Worksite Partnership

What’s in it for you?

When you hire a young person, you are in a position to change the trajectory of their life, ignite their creativity, and mentor and shape their future, while providing them with a meaningful work experience. With summer job opportunities, young people are more engaged, more connected to community, and more likely to complete school.

You may find the talent your organization was missing. Help your organization, while helping the County's talented youth gain employment this summer.

How can I participate?

Your organization and/or company can participate in Youth@Work by hiring youth directly to work for your organization or by serving as a worksite. Complete the online questionnaire about your needs. Once selected, a Referral Agreement will be prepared, and the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of Insurance (COI) Form (valid throughout the Youth?Work/SYEP program term)
    • Ensure that the following information is included on the COI:
    • Commercial General Liability Insurance - $1,000,000 per occurrence limit and include sexual abuse and child molestation coverage
    • Commercial Auto Liability Insurance - $1,000,000 per occurrence limit
    • Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance – Maryland Statutory Benefits
  • IRS Form W-9
  • Personnel Policy that covers Sexual Harassment and Workplace Disturbances
List of corporate sponsors for the SYEP program